We are a foundation dedicated to improving people's quality of life and their environment through technology.

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. Impact

We aim to build partnerships and strengthen relationships to foster real transformation within the community. Our work bridges the gap between innovative and disruptive technology from the private sector and its application in the social sector. Through our programs and training sessions, we reach every corner of the world.

Mentors and Volunteers

We improve people's quality of life and their environment through technology.

  • We drive initiatives that create new opportunities, inclusion, and integration.

  • We bring innovative and disruptive technologies from the private sector to the social sector.

  • We build partnerships and strengthen connections to create real transformation within communities.

Our purpose is to work on projects that generate a positive impact on the world.

. Programs

According to data from the World Economic Forum, global employment could increase by 33% if access to technology education were expanded. In this context, XAcademy was created—a technology training program rooted in IT culture. Its goal is to bridge the gap between the skills required to secure a position in the IT world and the barriers to accessing the necessary training, contributing to sustainable value creation.

XAcademy fulfills its mission through four training verticals: XAcademy QAXAcademy DEVXAcademy BIMXAcademy QA-IA

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Awareness and Outreach

This program fosters new skills and interests in children. Through robotics, they develop curiosity, self-learning abilities, and essential soft skills for the 21st-century technological revolution.

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Digital Literacy

This program aims to provide access to technological tools with the ultimate goal of fostering their adoption to improve quality of life and generate income. Technology becomes an ally to help achieve personal and organizational goals.

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. Volunteers

. Corporate Volunteering Program

I Want to Be a Volunteer

. Team

Juan Santiago


Walter Abrigo


Gabriela Fernandez

Board of Directors

Gabriel Dubini


Martin Fogliacco

Executive Direction

Celeste Torresi

Board of Directors

Lucia Jaimez

XAcademy Direction

Agostina Sánchez

Head of Institutional Relations and Fundraising

Agustín Chino

Inclusion Officer

. Partnerships