. About xAcademy BIM
This xAcademy specialization focuses on training in BIM – Building Information Modeling, a working methodology that enables construction modeling based on data, applied to the AECO industry: architecture, engineering, construction, operations, and maintenance.
Today, buildings serve as vast repositories of data and information. They are not just 2D graphics or representative images but are referred to as digital twins. Within the construction industry, many agents participate directly or indirectly, making it a sector closely tied to economic development.
This training aims to facilitate technological transformation and eventual transition to the BIM business model for individuals with foundational knowledge of construction (e.g., students or graduates in architecture, civil or mechanical engineering, industrial design, and construction management professionals).
The course's objective is to provide knowledge that fosters innovation and efficiency in the design and construction industries. xAcademy offers participants training that enhances decision-making and resource management through this remote, collaborative, and digital methodology.
xAcademy BIM is an 8-week program offered in a hybrid format, with virtual classes and optional in-person sessions.
Course Outline
. Mentors
Mario Luna
Javascript Developer
Facundo N Pasqua
Juan Ignacio Kung
Business Developer
Alejandro Rivoira
Maria Romero
Project Management
Lucas Cornejo
QA Specialist
Lucia Zambelli
Coworking Manager
Ulises Lodi
FE Developer
Fernanda Navarrette
Angular Developer
Gustavo Tosolini
UX Designer
Javier Cossio
Front end Developer
Karina Fernández
QA Analyst
Lucía Pesado
Python Developer
Juan Pablo Sarquis
Program Manager
Andres Rodriguez
BE Developer
Federico Schaefer
Full Stack Engineer
Valentín Marino
Elismer Bongiovanni
Nicolas Ferigo
Mauricio Bergallo
Federico Galvagno
Data Engineer
Raúl Ubillos
Mule Developer
David Rodríguez
Lorenzo Sauchelli
Full Stack Developer
Ignacio Caceres
Software Engineer
Gastón Nieto
Javascript Developer
Joaquin Martínez
Marcos Lopez
Program Manager
Juan Pablo Gomez
Gaston Fernandez
Full Stack Developer
Nadia Molina
Analista QA
Matias Benitez
Sr Engineer
Rodrigo Arana
Software Developer
Nelson Secchi
Software Engineer
Facundo Migliorini
Software Engineer
Franco Piemontesi
Full Stack Developer
Artur Schneider
José Meyer
Program Manager
Johan Tabori
Project Manager